Erotic Hypnosis

Powerful Erotic Hypnosis Audios to BrainWash your mind


A technique known as erotic hypnosis appears to be becoming popular in Argentina as a tool to induce sensual experiences and help people with sexual dysfunctions.

Without the use of clichés, such as a ticking clock or someone saying "you're feeling tired," the technique is used to achieve something close to a sexual experience without physical contact.

"Erotic hypnosis is in fashion now, and we see this because of the interest it has been arousing in specialized publications or in the media," clinical psychologist Carlos Malvezzi Taboada, from the Gubel Institute, in Buenos Aires, told the BBC.

Word Hypnosis

The therapist explains that the famous clock used to hypnotize is nothing but fiction.

In fact, the technique is a communicational modality in which the professional, through the word, takes the person to a state of deep meditation, increasing their perception capacity.

"But a person permanently knows who he is and never loses consciousness," says Malvezzi.

For him, at the clinic where he works, the use of hypnosis is not intended to increase erotic stimulation, but rather to help those who suffer from sexual dysfunctions.

"The person is guided, and he is asked to make an erotic report through a state of distension in which he is more receptive", says the specialist. According to him, this makes the person more open in relation to aspects that are repressed when he is awake.


Malvezzi says that when a patient suffering from anorgasmia (inhibition of orgasm) is in deep relaxation, she will possibly comment on topics not directly related to sex that would allow her to relive the stages of the sexual encounter in a metaphorical way, leading to a change in the behavior.

If the case is of a man with erectile dysfunction, the specialist seeks to evoke moments of satisfaction and memories of pleasurable experiences so that, in the state of hypnosis, the person feels capable again and reduces his anguish.

Reasons to practice sexual hypnosis:

sex will never be boring again

Sexual hypnosis adds infinite possibilities for sexual play to be much better and more pleasurable. That way, there's no way sex can be boring.

Relaxation that helps the couple

Hypnosis makes you feel comfortable through the power and control of the mind. The woman will experience a path full of trust in her partner, something few women have completely.

The pleasure is on the rise

Your relationship will be better, your sex life will be better, and you will have a happy, satisfied, and eager woman to return the same devotion to you.

The sexual relationship is satisfactory for both

In addition, men will also have much more confidence in themselves, once they are able to provide unparalleled pleasure to their sexual partners.

"It also depends a lot on the professional's skill and the patient's capacity to react, since not all people are sensitive to hypnosis. This only affects a small percentage of the population it works on."

At first glance, it is difficult to determine whether a person is in a deep meditative state qualified as hypnosis. To verify this, experts advocate that a positron emission tomography - anti-particle of the electron - be done to measure the blood flow in the cerebral cortex.

There is a great offer of books and videos, mainly in the United States, for the person to go into erotic hypnosis alone. Specialists do not recommend this, besides criticizing the clinics that operate this technique without the presence of doctors.

"In Argentina, as in most Latin American countries, only doctors can perform hypnosis", says Malvezzi.

Dangers of Hypnosis

Among the main risks identified by specialists is the possibility of the patient entering a state of hypnosis so deep that he cannot get out, as if it were hibernation.

Another cause for concern is that the individual begins to prefer the sexual experience with hypnosis over the experience with another person. "If I see that the person has strong narcissistic traits, it is more likely that he will acquire an addiction, as if it were a drug", says the psychologist.

Doctors also warn of the danger of abuse that can occur in an erotic hypnosis situation with someone inexperienced who might be carried away by the situation they are recreating.