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By ~ Chase Turner

Book Details :

Title : T. R. I. A. L. S.

Author : Chase Turner

category : Books,Self-Help,Relationships

Publisher : Chase Turner

ISBN-10 : 1938335481

ISBN-13 :

Size : 5543 KB

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T. R. I. A. L. S. by Chase Turner

Read Online and Download T. R. I. A. L. S. by Chase Turner. In light of social distancing, can you imagine waking up tomorrow and having no anxiety at work, finances, marriage or health? Nearly every person deals with anxiety and everyone deals with stress. There are many reasons for this epidemic, but anxiety is a result of how we handle the stress that we and others place in our lives. One of the primary causes of stress is comparative living, which comes as a result of trying to be “normal”. The T.R.I.A.L.S. method has been developed to help everyone in their daily routine and relationships so stress can be minimal, and anxiety can be avoided. If you are dealing with clinically diagnosed anxiety, this book is not intended to be a cure or treatment for your diagnosis but the principles outlined within the content will aid you in your daily routine and relationships.

T. R. I. A. L. S. by Chase Turner Review

I appreciate it Chase Turner‘s book because he focuses in on several areas of life that can be filled with great stress. That stress can be debilitating and can causes lots of troubles. Turner suggests a set of thoughts that we can employ when faced with stress in these various areas, and I think it’s a good one. I also liked that it was a very personal book and that he told several stories from his life. In addition having met Chase, I know that he puts these principals into practice and that he is a dependable and hard-working father, husband, and Missionary. I would also think that this book would serve as a good class book for a Bible class, small group, or even something that might be read together in the workplace. I’m glad I read it.

T.R.I.A.L.S is a great read on how to deal with stress and anxiety. It’s hard to image anyone in western society who cannot relate to this book. Turner dives into the major areas of life, using real-life experiences to demonstrate how we all have similar stress areas – marriage, parenting, finances, and grief, just to name a few.Turner teaches the T.R.I.A.L.S method to help people identify the stressors in their life and give them tools on how to reduce and prevent them from developing into anxiety. He shows how mitigating anxiety in one’s life is an active process, not a passive posture. The method can be used by anyone who is serious about living a more peaceful, anxiety-free life. Anyone can become more Transparent. Anyone can become more Responsible. Anyone can be more Intentional. Anyone can realize and not exceed their Limits. Anyone can Simplify. The T.R.I.A.L.S method helps people to become more transparent about the stressors in their life and take steps to live a life that is “anxious for nothing”.I would also recommend this book to anyone who spends time counseling or otherwise helping others get through tough times. The book is a useful tool and gives new ideas to help mentors, counselors, pastors, or everyday Christian brothers and sisters minister to friends, family, and others.

This book is incredibly well written. The author presents a thorough explanation of situations and thought processes that cause anxiety as well as methods for overcoming them. I had a special appreciation for his discussion on normalcy and comparative living. I have certainly struggled in these areas personally and reading a different perspective has really allowed me to eliminate some toxic behaviors I was unaware of.The T.R.I.A.L.S acronym is practical and applied throughout the book in general life, relationships, work, finance, health, etc. It is a very holistic approach to mental wellness without coming across as diagnostic or as a plan for treatment. As a nurse practitioner, it is definitely something I can give to patients who are struggling with overwhelming anxiety.A few notable points:1. The book is not just information overload but includes an overview of the T.R.I.A.L.S. acronym and a M.A.P. to apply concepts specific to each chapter.2. There are many religious overtones within the book as well as direct references to God and faith. I appreciate that while the author speaks openly about his faith, the book is not written to exclude people who are on a different faith journey.3. The book can easily be broken down into sections and used in groups to read together.4. I purchased the eBook as well as a paper copy. Both were reasonably priced.I would definitely recommend this book to anyone who is struggling with overwhelming stress and anxiety!

Let me begin by saying how excited that such a young man has such mature insights. T.R.I.A.L.S. is the kind of pick me up book that everyone needs to sink their teeth into. Chase’s practical and spiritual understanding of how to manage and lessen stress in your life and your family’s life is a keen reminder of how stress can be easily minimized and controlled to escape the world’s pressure that continues to build up if not tended to. We can all learn how to better tame the daily anxiety that interrupts the peace that God seeks us to have in him if we take the time to re-evaluate how we do life. I highly recommend this book. It can help you encounter the peace you seek. It can help you take control of an aspect of your life that most people struggle to manage. Great job Chase.

This book indeed came about in my life at the right time. I thank God for using sound wisdom imparted to be able for this godly man to put this book together for many readers including myself to make necessary adjustments for the better. Several points were stated that has helped me have a better outlook in the midst of situations I have been doing with and those that will come in the near. Thank you Chase Turner for your spiritual vision and your help that is extended out to so manywho face challenges in life and powerful resources to help deal with them. May God continue to bless you, your family and your work.

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T. R. I. A. L. S. by Chase Turner

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