*dg6*PDF Minha Família: Uma Família Americana e Brasileira (Portuguese Ed

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By ~ Ana Cristina Gluck

Book Details :

Title : Minha Família: Uma Família Americana e Brasileira (Portuguese Edition)

Author : Ana Cristina Gluck

category : Books,Children's Books,Growing Up & Facts of Life

Publisher : Ana Cristina Gluck

ISBN-10 : 1949363147

ISBN-13 :

Size : 1554 KB

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Minha Família: Uma Família Americana e Brasileira (Portuguese Edition) by Ana Cristina Gluck

Read Online and Download Minha Família: Uma Família Americana e Brasileira (Portuguese Edition) by Ana Cristina Gluck. Descrição desse livro infantil em português:Minha Família é o livro perfeito para crianças américo-brasileiras. Embora trata-se de uma história fictícia, é na verdade a história real de muitos filhos de brasileiros nascidos nos Estados Unidos. Esse livro é em português do Brasil com algumas palavras em inglês. John, o protagonista, é um garoto que fala inglês e português. No livro, ele descreve o dinâmica diária da sua família multicultural e como ele acha que são vistos pela sociedade. John tem orgulho de ser americano e brasileiro e de saber falar dois idiomas. Assim, ele pode se comunicar com mais pessoas, especialmente com a "vovó" e o "vovô" no Brasil. John acha que crescer bilíngue é um presente e se encaixa perfeitamente em nosso mundo diversificado e multicultural.English description of this children's book in Portuguese:Minha Familia is the perfect book for Brazilian American children. Although this is a fictional story, it is actually the real story of many children who are born in the United Stages and whose mother or father is from Brazil. This book is written in Brazilian Portuguese with a few words in English. John, the protagonist, is a kid who speaks English and Portuguese. In the book, he describes the daily dynamics of his multicultural family and how he thinks they are viewed by society. John is proud to be American and Brazilian and to be able to speak two languages. This way, he can communicate with more people, especially with “vovó" and "vovô" in Brazil. John thinks that growing up bilingual is a gift and fits perfectly into our diverse and multicultural world.

Minha Família: Uma Família Americana e Brasileira (Portuguese Edition) by Ana Cristina Gluck Review

O livro conta a vida de uma família americana e brasileira onde se fala os dois idiomas. Muito legal!Gostei de ler pois é assim mesmo que se passa aqui, quando os pais são conscientes que os filhos precisam falar o idioma português quando tem, ou pai ou mãe brasileiro, pois vejo que alguns pais não fazem assim, tirando o direito dia filhos ter grandes chances na vida.Parabéns a escritora por fazer livros inspiradores e educativos.

I bought this book for my 2 years old. As a Brazilian married to American, I have to say is a little difficult to keep speaking Portuguese all the time at home, I end up speaking English most of the time. What I love about this books is that the story reminds me to continue teaching Portuguese to my little one. It’s a very cute story, and my son loves the characters names. He has to repeat all the names every time we read the book. And it’s adorable how he chooses this book every time i ask him to pick a few books for our night time reading.

This is a lovely story of a Brazilian-American family. My daughter is three years old and loves the book, especially the page with the illustration of kids from all over the world. She asks me where they are from and the language they speak, so now she is learning lots of new vocabulary in English and in Portuguese because of that. Also, we love the special page for vocabulary explaining words from the story. My daughter wants me to read and spell the words from the vocabulary list to her. I would definitely recommend this book also as a present to friends who are raising bilingual kids. I think that the only word that is missing is "papai". Even though I totally got the idea that the kids only speak to the daddy in English, I believe that would also be interesting to have that translated in the story or maybe shown at the illustration page where the characters are presented. We read it every morning along with other books from ABC Multicultural. :)

Beautiful book! It reminds me of my bilingual family, I really connected with the story, I could see my family and myself while reading the book. I sent picture to my parents from the page the author mentioned her son being asked if he doesn't get confused because he speaks both languages, her son said he would be confused if he could not understand Vovó e vovô. My parents was amazed how the history is so similar to ours, I am sure it is not only mine but so many bilingual families. This book will only make sense to you if you are a bilingual family.Obrigada Ana Cristina por dividir esta história linda.Muito sucesso para você!

Muito fácil se apaixonar por esse livro porque ele conta exatamente a história da minha família. Até o meu marido, que não fala português fluentemente, se arrisca e lê esse livro com nosso filho. A história é linda e o pequeno John mostra pra todo mundo o valor de se crescer bilíngue.

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Minha Família: Uma Família Americana e Brasileira (Portuguese Edition) by Ana Cristina Gluck

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